ipod shuffle 2nd generation

ipod shuffle 2nd generation. iPod Shuffle 2nd Generation
  • iPod Shuffle 2nd Generation

  • appleguy123
    Apr 28, 08:04 PM
    I'm not a she

    Maybe it's a reference to this?

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. Apple iPod shuffle 3rd Gen
  • Apple iPod shuffle 3rd Gen

  • Eriden
    Mar 16, 02:05 PM
    First off...Eriden nice meeting you today, sir! Was a fun morning less the disappointment of neither of us getting our desired model.

    Brea had a 105 year old mall cop who yelled at some kids sitting in the middle of the floor. I'm almost positive he called for backup. Haha

    Just ordered mine online. At least have one in the pipeline. And hey...it is getting shipped to Mass so I'll save $20 on sales tax :)

    It was good meeting you too! Hopefully we won't have to wait the whole 4-5 weeks. I'd be back at the crack of dawn tomorrow, but I'm up against deadlines for work projects.

    And that mall cop was hilarious. He probably hasn't felt relevant in 30 years. Getting to glare at mallgoers and check in with his supervisors probably made his day.

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. Silver (2nd Generation)
  • Silver (2nd Generation)

  • TheReef
    Apr 5, 03:56 AM

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. 2nd Gen iPod Shuffle
  • 2nd Gen iPod Shuffle

  • sconnor99
    Jul 28, 09:22 AM
    Once again the drones at Microsoft can't come up with anything new so they spend all their money trying to muscle in on something someone else had the vision to create. I hope they fail big time.

    By the time M$ get any sort of marketshare Apple will be onto something new and innovative that that Big Bill will have to throw even more $$$ down the drain to catch up.

    Jobs must be laughing his A*** off, he's forced M$ to create something that's going to lose them money, whilst Apple turns a tidy profit on each iPod sold!

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. iPod Shuffle Watch Style
  • iPod Shuffle Watch Style

  • Sambo110
    Apr 15, 08:03 PM
    Only updated my iPad to 4.3, was too lazy to update my iPod Touch, but with all these battery drain issues I might hold off, 4.3 doesn't have anything I need for my iPod.

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. the 2nd generation iPod
  • the 2nd generation iPod

  • zapp
    Jul 28, 08:22 AM
    $9,500,000,000 - that's just sitting around in cash with no long term debt. I think Apple's got plenty of "stamina"...

    31,100,000,000 is alot of stamina too, I remember when m$oft got in the gaming console business there was a lot of this talk, now look at them, they sell the thing for a loss. Now imagine if they did that for the zune, a 60gb video capable for $150.00. Something to think about.........

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. iPod Shuffle first and Second
  • iPod Shuffle first and Second

  • Eriden
    Mar 15, 01:06 AM
    I'll be heading to Spectrum myself. I've got to pick one up for my wife. She thought she'd be happy with my first gen iPad until she started playing around with my white Verizon 32GB.

    Fortunately, for some reason, Spectrum sounds like was much less of a mess than Brea. 2/3 of the people in line on launch day were disappointed.

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. Shuffle (2nd Generation)
  • Shuffle (2nd Generation)

  • Gregintosh
    Apr 23, 06:47 PM
    I would buy this immediately. No more crappy Edge service on my iPhone. It's a chore to load anything on it, even google maps and simple web pages.

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. Apple Ipod Shuffle 2nd
  • Apple Ipod Shuffle 2nd

  • menziep
    Aug 15, 09:54 AM

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. The latest iPod shuffle seems
  • The latest iPod shuffle seems

  • .Andy
    Sep 14, 08:13 AM
    A real estate business?

    A real estate sign making business?

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. iPod shuffle (2nd generation):
  • iPod shuffle (2nd generation):

  • Shaneuk
    Apr 8, 11:46 AM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5265/5600042921_6d023986a6_z.jpg (http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5265/5600042921_6d023986a6_b.jpg)

    Not digital.

    Click for large.

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. the second generation,
  • the second generation,

  • Master-D
    Apr 14, 03:20 AM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5101/5616448166_84b6fbd9a8_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/damoncrane)

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. Apple iPod shuffle 2 GB Bright
  • Apple iPod shuffle 2 GB Bright

  • Arcady
    Jul 25, 09:25 AM
    $70 for a mouse? Give me a break.

    I just bought a two button scrollwheel mouse for $1.67. There's no reason for it to cost more than that. $10 is too much.

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. The first generation iPod
  • The first generation iPod

  • AAPLaday
    May 2, 03:22 AM
    Great news! Shame its taken so long but at least we got him eventually! :D

    Now lets hope this is declared a national holiday and Apple releases the new iMac with a discount to celebrate :D

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. 2nd generation ipod shuffle
  • 2nd generation ipod shuffle

  • NoNothing
    Mar 29, 10:47 PM
    It is Apple. Number 2 is not the reason. Chances are moving it to another venue would cost more money which means less profit.
    Google is more than likely just trying to cover cost. Apple is going to try to make a profit.

    Apple has greater than 7 million in man hour costs alone.

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. The 2nd generation iPod
  • The 2nd generation iPod

  • houdinize
    Jun 6, 10:50 AM
    If this was on an iPod Touch isn't there a mb cutoff where you have to use your computer, or is that just for 3G and just a suggestion when on wifi?

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. iPod shuffle: Small and
  • iPod shuffle: Small and

  • oootle
    Aug 18, 04:07 AM
    the way finder has been left with no changes kind or less indicates that there is a bit of a UI refresh in the bag for Leopard.

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. generation iPod Shuffle
  • generation iPod Shuffle

  • MacRumors
    Jul 11, 02:18 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Last week, a Bloomberg story (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=conewsstory&refer=conews&tkr=MSFT:US&sid=aYqZI5U2Snnc) cause some excitement with claims that Microsoft was planning to release an iPod rival by Christmas of 2006. The new digital music player was said to include a wireless Internet connection allowing users to wirelessly download music. Microsoft is already meeting with Hollywood and music companies to license content for the upcoming device.

    Steve Jobs predicted (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/01/20060116133359.shtml) in January that due to the lack of iPod competitors, that Microsoft was "going to have to get into the hardware business of making MP3 players". Currently, Microsoft relies on 3rd party manufacturers to develop around a common hardware specification.

    This week, more information (http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2003116550_brier10.html) about the upcoming Microsoft device was revealed. According to the Seattle Times article, Microsoft is actually developing a line of Xbox-branded digital media devices. The project is called "Argo" and under the Xbox development group.

    ipod shuffle 2nd generation. Apple iPod Shuffle (second generation 2007, 1GB, purple) Review | ZDNet
  • Apple iPod Shuffle (second generation 2007, 1GB, purple) Review | ZDNet

  • elray
    Apr 14, 11:24 AM
    white iphone is ugly late and unnecessary so apple can keep it.. they never made it cause demand was always lower for white ones and the white design look worse on iphone 4 than on 3gs..

    I guess it's just a matter of preference. I personally think the white iPhone 4 is gorgeous, while my white 3g always reminded me of an Oreo cookie.

    And it seems like the demand for the white one has been pretty high since they unveiled it last year. Not to mention they have produced white iPad 2's which seem to be pretty popular.

    Oct 19, 08:53 AM
    So what are you expecting?

    I'm not expecting anything really. I'm just disputing the claim that re-designed MacPro is "innovative". And it seems that you are agreeing with me.

    In case you hadn't noticed, pretty much everything in the computer industry had been done before, or can be seen as an adaption of something else. So by your definition, there are no new ideas and therefore no innovation anywhere. Which leads me to ask, what innovative things are you looking for, that you feel you can criticize Apple for not being innovative enough?

    Apple HAS innovated, and I'm not claiming otherwise. I merely said that the things the original poster listed were NOT innovative. And it seems that you are agreeing with me. So what are you complaining about? Because I said something that is 100% fact?

    Jul 31, 11:16 AM
    The reason you don't see it much is because the new default in XP is to just reboot the machine instead of sitting on that screen. It's still there.

    Mmm .. no. The reason you don't see it much is because XP SP2 is pretty rock solid as far as operating systems go.

    If a machine reboots when you're typing an email, then folk would still register this as a crash. Unless the machine reboots while they're not there. The blue screen isn't the problem; the loss of work is ....

    The only lock up I've had with XP was down to a printer driver, and even then I managed to recover by logging out without rebooting, then logging straight back in again.

    Chupa Chupa
    Apr 28, 11:39 AM
    Are people still thinking this is coming out next week? There haven't been any other updates since this story was released and I'm starting to doubt it's going to happen on Tuesday. I'd love to know what GPU the 27" is going to have.

    iMac is due, but having doubts about next Tues now since Apple is still shipping current models within 24 hours.

    beany boy
    Apr 22, 10:40 AM
    wimax is not 4G. it even shows up with the wifi icon when it's connected. LTE is a real ITU standard that will eventually pave the way for real 4G

    Exactly. It will take a long time to impliment and only the 2 major carriers will have it.

    Sep 14, 12:04 PM
    Wait till you get that platinum card !


    I actually want the Lutetium card.
