william shatner kirk

william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • -aggie-
    May 5, 07:37 AM
    BTW, searching a room disarms traps, so we should get to a point where our last move is search instead of move, if I understand the rules.

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  • Josias
    Sep 15, 05:28 PM
    I know this is half off topic, but I posted my predictions for Photokina in another thread here (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=2836900#post2836900).

    I would gladly bet my MacBook that they announce new MBP's on the 25th.;)

    william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • kingtj
    Mar 28, 10:02 AM
    Apple has been repeatedly bashed for focusing too much on iOS devices, to the detriment of their core computer product line. (They took people off of working on OS X to finish fixing things on the iPad, etc. etc.)

    Now, it sounds like they're trying to bring the focus back to the Mac again for a little while, and people are complaining??

    Why would you feel a need to get a new cellphone every single year? Contracts tend to run 2 years, discouraging you from upgrading that often anyway. But regardless, all of the recent "smartphones" I've seen are built well enough so they'll easily hold up for a good 2 years of use. All of the things I'd really need to do on a mobile phone will work fine next year, just the way they work this year. Even if you're just hung up on having "the latest thing"? If Apple delays release of the iPhone 5, then the 4 remains the "latest thing" from them for a while longer.

    More to the point of the original topic though? I can definitely see why this WWDC would be a critical one, in many ways, to talk about a lot of software changes! Apparently, the Linux community is rapidly switching over their software to the "GPL3" license, which has a lot of "gotchas" in it that try to restrict what commercial businesses can do with the code. Essentially, they're trying to keep companies like Apple from benefiting from their free, open-source projects, and keep them for Linux users instead. The Apache web server is moving to a GPL3 license, for example, as is the gcc compiler and Samba.

    Apple has to start moving to alternate products for all of this core functionality and get developers up to speed on the changes, or we're in for a LOT of reduced functionality in future OS X versions.

    That's just getting complacent in my opinion, people like myself like changing phones yearly, no new iPhone means no return business, I'll try something else instead, bad move if true.

    william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 10, 06:15 PM
    Multiplication is always what you do, when there is a term directly adjacent to the ().

    "Oh, I did not know that!!" - Johnny Carson, The Tonight Show

    I get 61,835, but I'm beginning to think someone has mucked around with the keys on my calculator.

    Finally, humour.

    Check your IMOS battery. I think it's failing. :p

    william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • ruffdeezy
    Nov 5, 02:01 PM
    Who cares.
    It's an epic rip off.

    I hope the next report out is how they only sold 10% of what they forcasted for these pieces of junk.

    william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • Steve121178
    May 6, 05:48 AM
    Windows 8 being available on ARM platforms would make this move, albeit a bold one, pretty viable.

    Windows 8 will also run on Tablet PC's, hence the ARM support. ARM chips will not find their way into laptop & desktop PC's.

    william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • w_parietti22
    Jul 29, 10:28 PM
    crap. :( I just got a new phone.

    william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • CalBoy
    Apr 10, 01:25 AM
    Whenever you write math symbols out using a keyboard, the "/" symbol always means division; it is not a fraction bar. Therefore, I treat the "/" symbol as a division operation, and get 288.

    If one reads the "/" symbol as a fraction bar, then the answer is 2. However, because of the limitations of a standard QWERTY keyboard (which I assume is all we have to work with), it is wise to always represent numerators and denominators with master brackets. To make this equation equal 2, it should read 48/(2(9+3))

    william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • spicyapple
    Aug 11, 09:25 AM
    Quad Xeons in the MacBook Pro, pretty please. After all, it is Apple's professional notebook line.

    william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 2, 09:32 PM
    does anyone else notice that on intels site, the core2 duo is only refered to in PC's????

    "I'm a Mac," cool guy.
    "And I'm a PC," dorky guy.
    "And I'm a PC too." cool guy

    http://www.apple.com/getamac/ It's the Touch� one.

    You now have to start making distiction between PC meaning running Windows and PC meaning personal computer meaning for personal use. I believe the Apple II was the first to call itself a personal computers.

    william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • SiliconAddict
    Nov 27, 09:18 AM
    Sorry, Silicon, but your "If Apple does it, it works" argument is weak in this case...the Tablet market is simply tiny, period.

    And why so? Because, instead of facing a constrained demand for music players or video players (as in the case of the iPod market), the Tablet faces NOTHING which is not already dealt with under other segments.

    We have, on one hand, desktops, laptops and notebooks which fit the bill for everyone, notably if we consider the small-sub note market (10"-13").

    On the other hand, we have full-fledged mobile phones and PDAs which cover the needs of those preferring portability over sheer power.

    And where are the tablets? NOWHERE, because they only fit the bills of us freaks desiring a nice pen-based Mac...sorry, it's not enough for a big company like Apple to base its products on such a small audience...and I am sure their market analysis team has already done its homework.

    Wrong. Tablets will never exist on their own as slate devices. Again as I stated previously slate devices are vertical market devices only. Convertibles on the other hand take the best of both worlds and contain both a touchscreen AND a keyboard. As for use. Think back to college. How many drawings did you do in class? In the traditional model notebook its difficult at best to do this. Or how about business meetings? I've done more scribbling then I can count as we work out network topology designs.
    Again I've used Microsoft's implementation of a tablet PC. To be blunt its a Bill G's pet project. That is all. Its XP with a few tweaked apps designed to work better on a tablet. No one has come because MS hasn't put ANY real resources into the project. Hell they let a memory leak languish in the tablet PC for over 6 months even though they were fully aware of it. That had TPC users screeching like mad.
    People will come if someone does it right and with the patents that Apple has made over the last 2 years that do pertain to a tablet interface I believe that Apple is on the right track. Much more so then Microsoft who is tied up in Vista development.

    Oh and I haven't read anyone else bring up this method for keyboard entry for those neccessary moments when it just feels better.


    I used one of those with my Pocket PC (See sig.) It is overhyped tech. In even moderate sunlight the keyboard gets washed out. Also for anyone who is used to touch typing is pretty much screwed since well there is no feedback. I di figure a way around this by taking the membrane out of a dead keyboard and placing it under the light. Worked a bit better, albeit the keys were still a little off, but that would be another thing you need to take with you.

    william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • Nuvi
    Nov 8, 10:12 AM
    I was at a local apple store and they are selling the tom tom car kit already. What a rip off, because you have to pay for the app seperate. I got the griffin car mount for $20 at frys and the navigon app, works great.

    If you have to pay the suggested retail price then I do admit its a rip off. However, you can get easily 20% off if you just shop around a little bit. Regarding the TomTom app I fully agree. I actually think its way bigger rip off then the dock.

    william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 15, 05:01 PM
    The MBP already feels like its about to literally melt on my desk now, and that's with the 31W Core Duo.

    What's gonna happen when they drop in a 34W C2D? That's 9.6% more wattage, means more heat.

    I really think the MBPand MB are under-engineered to remove the heat from the Core Duo. I hope they re-engineer the cooling before releasing the MBP C2D. IMHO, Apple has a black eye over the heat issues with their notebooks.

    According to this review, it runs measurably (not necessarily significantly) cooler with longer battery life, etc.

    william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • MikeTheC
    Nov 25, 09:19 PM
    They sold out to MS because the idiots at Palm couldn't find their butt with a flashlight and both hands. Seriously in 2001 the CEO of Palm stood infront of a crowd at CES and stated our users don't want color, sound etc. It was the beginning of the end because by the time they figured out that yes. Not only do users want color and sound they also want the ability to multitask. Something that POS (Notice that Palm OS and Peice of **** share the same acronym.) STILL to this day doesn't really do. Well it sort of does it in a craptacular manner. My point is Palm doomed them selves because they had management who didn't have a clue or simply didn't have the resources to really revamp the OS from the ground up. I'm willing to bet there is legacy code in POS that dates back to v1. Because POS never had its OS X its Windows 2000. It never had its rewrite. All Palm has been doing is slapping on a new addition to the house and calling it NEW and improved!
    It isn't. It sucks and the Pocket PC or Windows Mobile (ick I hate that name.) kicks the living snot out of POS right now in pretty much every way imaginable. Heck Palm is so lost that they are trying to pull an Apple. they purchased some *nix company in China that has experience with mobile versions of *nix and right now is trying to migrate POS over to a *nix flavor of OS.
    Unfortunately unlike Apple its too little, too late.
    Palm went to Windows because they didn't want to stay stuck in the mobile equivalent of DOS.

    This is one of those times where, if MacRumors.com had a Karma Points system (and if I, in turn, had some Karma points) I would Karma-bump the heck outta this post. It's so true, and it's so absolutely dead-on in it's critical analysis of the situation that there's little, if anything, to be added to it.

    Apple went to "something else", starting with the Copeland project, because they realized even way back then in the B.S. (that is, Before Steve -- hey, lookie, another awesome acronym!) that Mac OS Classic was a technological cul-de-sac. It was exactly as SilliconAddict has described PalmOS -- er, I mean POS. (You know, I really, really, really have to remember that one. God, I'm still laughing over it as I write this.)

    Even Microsoft went to "something else", although unlike Apple they chose to go with their own in-house-developed successor, since DOS 8bit, Win8, Win16, and Win9x code was essentially an obsolete OS technology.

    So here we have Palm, arguably one of the greatest innovators (though not really a pioneer, as the kudos and credit for that goes to Apple's Newton development group) of PDAs ever, going down the same hole into the same quagmire that plagued the likes of Commodore, Sony's BetaMax, etc. You'd think with all the MBAs and other college-educated people they've hired over the years that this would be abundantly obvious *and* fundamentally core to their business operational mindset. However, it's quite clear that it isn't.

    Thus go the way of all who do not study history and learn from it.

    william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • twoodcc
    Jul 29, 08:45 PM
    I can already see Phil sitting in the audience and then Job's cell phone rings..

    Jobs: um..excuse me a sec..Seems I have a phone call..
    Pulls out this cool looking cell phone,flips it open and says hello?
    Phil: Say Steve,can we have a chat real fast ? then starts up iChat on his iPhone..
    Jobs: starts up iChat on his cell phone..

    The rest is history :D

    i could see something like that happening

    william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • daneoni
    Sep 11, 01:31 PM
    What's your source? Every rumor site I've seen (and especially Appleinsider, which has the best record lately) says sales.

    I'd tell you but then i'd have to kill you.

    william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • addicted44
    Apr 23, 06:06 PM
    And today they are the Gold Standard for consumer tech.

    OS X runs very well on Apple hardware. OS X apps run very well on Apple hardware. Not sure what the problem with performance is.

    Those "laptops on a stand" are selling in record numbers while the rest of the computer industry is in a sharp downturn.

    They've got the future of gaming all locked up nice and tight on iOS, not on PCs as we know them but on mobile devices which keep getting more powerful and which as we know, are the future of computing.

    Your anecdotal opinion is cool and all, but perspective please!

    Apple has been completely and unequivocally unaffected by conceding the gaming market to someone else. Instead, they've revisited it and have created a new standard. if that's what "losing" means then I'm damned impressed.

    Apple has products that meet pretty much every market. Professionals buy Mac Pros, which are top notch (although the design is getting a little dated) and non-pros buy iMacs, which suffice for everything they need to do.

    The only market they aren't meeting are the high-end gaming market. And considering how few games supported macs, and how the vast majority of games were actually played on dedicated consoles, this wasn't a bad decision at all.

    Re: Resolution Independence, that idea is essentially dead. Its a great idea in theory, but nearly unworkable in practice. No developer wants to go back and redesign all their graphics in vector art (nvm that vector art doesn't even work for all designs, and that most designers prefer pixel drawings). And since there is a clear upper bound after which any improvements in resolution are largely worthless, as long as people develop their artwork at that resolution, every range of useful resolution is covered. At much lesser effort, and expense. The only tradeoff is Hard disk space, and I think we can all agree that HD space is one of the cheapest resources we have.

    william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • Fukui
    Mar 30, 02:07 AM
    Globalization is a race to the bottom, and nobody seems to understand that while the 3rd world rises up, the 1st world inevitably must slide down.

    The data (http://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_asia_s_rise_how_and_when.html) would say otherwise...

    william shatner kirk. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • Coolerking
    Sep 11, 12:51 PM
    Whats the Paris expo, Never heard of that before, are you sure it exists? :confused: :confused: :confused:

    Read up son!


    Aug 7, 05:59 PM
    I find it funny that the online apple store has the Quadcore G5 still listed at $3299. $800 dollars more than the default MacPro which has 1GB ram as opposed to the meger 512MB in the G5, Quad 2.66 vs Quad 2.5, a GeForce 7300 vs the Geforce 6600, not to mention the many other bad ass features like 4 HD bays etc

    And it still doesn't run Adobe/Macromedia products. ;)

    Mar 26, 10:26 PM
    For anyone thinking Apple will release a new iPad in the fall... don't bet on it. The last two releases have shown that it takes AT LEAST several months before supply is able to adequately meet demand--especially when you look at it from a worldwide perspective. Do you really think they'd risk a shortage during the holiday season? Not a chance.

    Aug 2, 11:00 AM
    Give us something real and with substance. These analysts... pfffft.

    MacRumors... you mean you haven't uncovered anything.. anything worthly of posting besides the crap that has been spewn out over the past few months?

    Super Dave
    Jul 30, 05:16 AM
    This sounds cool. Initially, though; I was kind of turned off by the idea of Apple doing a cellphone.

    Unfortunately, I'm pulled back into thinking, "What could Apple do with phones that hasn't already been done." Small, light, photos, video, internet, music, games, personal organization? Most of this is pretty well covered with the current offerings. So what is going to be the selling point here? Is it going to be expensive or affordable? Is it going to be full-featured or bare bones?

    Without even getting into new things, they could just do it well. Cell phones have interfaces like goats. Every single one of them.


    Aug 11, 09:49 AM
    My second replacement MBP is currently at the Apple Repair Centre and has been there for the last four weeks. Last update I had was that I need to give Apple another 48 hours to determine what has happened to my machine. If they don't have an answer for me they said they will send me a new one.

    I am meant to call back next Tuesday. I'm thinking about leaving it another few weeks now and then calling. Maybe they'll send me a new Merom MBP by then;)